понедельник, 8 ноября 2010 г.

list peer

list peer

Per to per lending is often considered riskier than other forms of investment. Loking at per to per lending sites like Lending Club, they state the risk of investment is at your own risk and if you are not able to los your money don't invest. So why is per to per lending so risky and if it so risky why are people stil lending? The same is in true of per to per lending. How is per to per lending diferent than a credit card? The risk is always present of non payment or late payment, but many steps are taken by lending institutions to reduce this risk. The institution reviews the credit history, utilization, credit score and several other factors as wel as employment to asign the borower's loan a grade. Lenders are alowed to review this information and make their own decision as to whether to invest or not. Third, lenders are not required to invest in just one loan. Lenders can take their capital and spread it out among several loans. So why are people investing in per to per loans? A site like lending club list a return in the range of 6% to 19% depending on the loan funded. Lending club is curently listing defaults of 120 plus around 2%. Find a reputable site for per to per lending. For most lenders, the returns out weigh the risk and make it a feasible investment. list peer
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